Are we celebrating again?!
Am I saying yeah to 3 years!!!
Wow, it is really true, this crazy flying time, don't stop!
So I take this moment to say "yeah", and truly I say it with a big smile,
and also a thank you to all the ones that smile with me, and help
cooking all these crazy sweet dreams!!
Thank you all that share these sugar rush,
to all that dance a little bit to every chocolate dust move,
and close their eyes dreaming to get lost in them!
(... enjoy...always, every little thing that bring a smile to your lips...)
3 times yeah!!!
and we keep
cooking these dreams!
to celebrate!!!!
Bolo de chocolate e Lima para festejar 3 anos de blog!
A receita:
A receita:
200 g de farinha
100 g de açúcar mascavado50 g de cacau em pó
2 ovos
50 ml de leite
2 limas
150g de açúcar em pó
200g de queijo creme
150g de chocolate (70%)
1 pitada de pimenta
1. Bater os ovos com o açúcar
2. Juntar o leite, a farinha, o cacau e a pimenta e envolver bem
3. Levar ao forno a 180º durante 45 mn
4. Derreter 100g de chocolate em banho maria e o restante partir em pedaços generosos
5. Bater o queijo creme com o chocolate, 50g de açúcar em pó e raspas e sumo de 1 lima
6. Expremer uma lima e mexer bem com 100 g acúcar e pó
7. Partir o bolo em 2 e rechear, regar com o xarope de lima e com raspas de chocolate
3 years of cooking dreams ♥
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