
Sweets from the tree

...bring them to me!

and with this sigh I leave you...no big words, no big things... just this sigh...I will hasten my steps... with this long summer days, and hope that they will bring me smiles... I will entwine my fingers in yours, yes I will...and I will leave you with this sigh... no more no less...just this sigh and this soft low voice that cradle your dreams...

to this sweet long days...  

wrapped in this ideas

swallowed by these thoughts



Call for Summer

...bring me those long lazy days

We move, we change
we dream, we grow
This little choices
This moving circles
We repeat them, and we keep moving...
We keep our voice low
but our eyes wide open.

Just let the summer in, little girl
and let it burn your cheeks 

Shh.. little bird
I'm dreaming...

Call for summer...
bring me those long lazy days