
My Sweet Clementine Cake

... the cake that travelled the world

I had the drawings and recipes, and the crazy ideas..
I had decided that Chocolate was going to be the star in the next recipes...but before that, I really have to make this cake.
Just because I'm feeling this enthusiasm lately, and I heard that with a clementine cake, we can cross boundaries, go places, walk faster, and smile more often...
Maybe this is just a cake, like all the other, but the music on the radio, the pictures on the screen, and the heart pumping faster... they where all asking for this recipe...
...and whatever happens... today I'll have my clementine cake!

The cake that buys adventures...

Hold my hand, and
keep moving...
trust me, good things will find us!

stand still and whisper
good dreams in sleepy ears...

feels good when simple things make us smile...
and today, I'm smiling... 

"if you get the next boat I'll go with you..."

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