
Go on

... bring me stories

Once upon a time...
The story began.
Is this how all the stories begin, right?...
The "once upon a time"...  the characters, 
and the sceneries, and the magique moves!
It is always like this, no?
All around the world, all these "once upon a times", make the world spin faster or slower, 
make the hearts beat, make the music lyrics poetry, make the dreams bigger!!!
Everywhere I go...
A new "once upon a time" starts...

"And only if all the things 
we are looking for where found..."
(lyrics from a beautiful song)

"if only all the world could sing along
in perfect rythm to the perfect song"...
(lyrics from a beautiful song)

Pavlova de banana 
A receita:
1 banana
2 colheres de sopa de xarope de ácer
4 claras (à temperatura ambiente)
150 g de açúcar em pó
1 colher de sopa de canela
250g de iogurte grego
Folhas de menta chocolate
Pó dourado

1. Bater as claras com o açúcar até formarem um merengue forte, e envolver a canela
2. Colocar num tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal e levar ao forno pré aquecido, durante 1h20 a 120º
3. Cortar a banana em fatias, regar com o xarope de àcer e caramelizar, até ganharem uma cor dourada  
4. Depois de frio, colocar o iogurte, decorar com as bananas e folhas de menta chocolate
5. Pó dourado para o magique touch!

we go ♥ 

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