And leave me there...
Because I have a world to discover and adventures to search!
Let yourself go, in these wonderful and crazy rush.
There are always great and magical things to discover,
don't be afraid, don't close your eyes these time... there is so much to see...
Don't worry, just float way, and bring me back good stories!!
Should I really go?"
she wondered...
Should I really go?"
she wondered...
what is in there?
are there big things to discover?
are there big things to discover?
A receita:
2 ovos
1 copo de açúcar
200 ml de leite
1 copo e meio de farinha
4 colheres de sopa de cacau em pó
1 colher de sopa de azeite
200 g de figos secos
250g de queijo mascarpone
100g de chocolate 70%
75 ml de natas
1. Bater as gemas com o açúcar
2. Juntar o azeite e bater bem
3. Juntar o leite e bater bem
4. Juntar a farinha e cacau e bater bem
5. Triturar o figo
6. Adicionar metade do figo ao preparado anterior
7. Bater as claras em castelo
8. Envolver as claras com a mistura anterior9. Levar ao forno a 180º 45 mn
1. Bater o mascarpone com 2 colheres de açúcar
2. Juntar o restante figo e misturar bem
1. Ferver as natas e juntar ao chocolate partido aos pedaços
2. Envolver bem
Bolo+recheio de mascarpone+ganache de chocolate
For the cold days and the warm ♥
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