
Little girls&little cakes...

...for long days!

There is always this silence at the end of the days...
And this excitement and expectation at the begginings of the days...
and when the days become longer, the silence becomes louder, yelling at our years: "don't fall asleep" 
Make these days last forever!!
This time, lets not leave this excitement  for the day after... 
lets keep it here and let it yell louder, then this cold silence!!!!
This day is for you little girl... make it last!

I want a long 
sunny day!

Today... I need dreams 
and beautiful music

is just one of those
long long days...
full of things
 in this head! 

A receita:
1 limão
10 framboesas
250g de queijo mascarpone
1 colher de açúcar
50g de chocolate 
50g  figos secos

1. triturar o chocolate com o figo
2. forrar uma forma
3. bater bem o mascarpone com o açúcar, juntar as raspas e sumo de um limão
4. juntar à forma / desenformar
5. decorar com as framboesas

For a long special day   

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