
Jumping!! Jumping!! Jumping!!

...so high! 

There are the ones that fly, and the ones that jump! 
Either way, in the middle they always find themselves, in that space in air 
where they both have their feet of the ground!

So don't worry to much if you just jump... don't over think it, if you are a flyer!
We always find ourselves in that gap in space... between the clouds and the ground!

Jump high... fly low...
in between 
let's stop for a coffee :)

Sometimes people makes you
jump real high!

Don't make detours
follow your way!


A receita:
2 ovos
250g de queijo mascarpone

3 colheres de sopa de açúcar
50 g de chocolate 70% 

1 chávena de café 

1. Bater as gemas com o açúcar
2. Juntar o mascarpone 
3. Bater as claras em castelo 
4. Envolver as claras  com a mistura anterior
5. Numa taça partir os biscoitos grosseiramente 
6. Regar com o café e juntar o preparado
7. Decorar "generosamente"com raspas de chocolate
(levar ao frigorifico no mínimo 2 horas antes de servir)

For you   and me... and all those people that make us jump high!!!

2 comentários:

Ellie disse...

Wowwwww omygoodness, your posts are simply mesmerizing!!!! And this video is so gorgeous in every way. Great job being such a unique blogger, and this recipe looks so delicious. I love trifles...which I think that's what this is?

My Sweet Potato Cake disse...

Ohhhh thanks Ellie!!!:)