
Dear december

...the last month of 2016

The year is just jumping around his last days!
It seams like next year is right around that corner... waiting... anxious to have is time!
I'm also anxious to see you 2017!... it's true... :)

A receita:
250 g de farinha
1 colher de sopa de fermento
60g de açúcar
3 colheres de sopa de iogurte grego
50 g de manteiga
1 ovo

1.aquecer o forno a 200º
2. misturar a farinha com o fermento e açúcar 
3. juntar o iogurte a manteiga e o ovo
4. envolver bem
5. fazer pequenas bolas e levar ao forno 15 mn

for the last afternoons ♥ 

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