
For the chocolate lovers

...the real ones!

This one is not for everyone! Is not for all, is not for some...
This is a special one!It combines special flavours it combines the favourites...
So, when all the great ones are combined...
Your song start playing, birds start flying, boats cross big waves. 
And nothing is really impossible... is it?

 Mini Chocolate&mint&coffee cakes  
A receita:
200 g de chocolate 70%
50 g de bolachas maria
100 g de natas
1 café expresso
folhas de hortelã 
iogurte grego (espesso)

1. Levar as natas a ferver com as folhas de hortelã 
2. Partir os chocolate grosseiramente e juntar as natas envolvendo bem
3. Embeber as bolachas no café e forrar o fundo de uma forma
4. Encher a forma com o chocolate e levar a refrigerar
5. Servir com topping de iogurte e avelãs torradas

for the ones that need some chocolate ♥ 

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