
Take lucky steps

into rainy days...

I found myself at this train station, full of bags around me,
surrounded by a silence...
hair up, eyes up, dreams up...
I think this was a piece of a memory that got stuck in my mind,
and I really don't know how this thought found me...

But,  the train arrives, and the bags disappear,
and I go with them... and fall asleep with
this mechanical sound and moves...

Shh let it be, don't move,
be quite...

 shh take a deep breath, look up
these are just lost thoughts,
not lost dreams...
rainy days bring...
the sweet desire of warm bread 
Pão de batata doce com figo e chocolate
A receita:

1/2 copo de água 
1 ovo
3 colher (sopa) de açúcar
2 colheres (sopa) de azeite

400g de puré de batata doce
4 copos de farinha e trigo

1 saqueta de  fermento para pão
50g de figos secos
50g de sementes de girassol
10 ml de ginginha
75g de chocolate (70%)

1. Cozer a batata doce, partir em pedaços, juntar o ovo e reduzir a puré
Juntar a farinha com o açúcar e fermento e envolver bem
3. Adiconar aos poucos a àgua e envolver bem, juntar a batata doce e envolver bem
4. Deixar a massa repousar 2h tapada com um pano
4. Triturar os figos com  o chocolate, as sementes e a ginginha

5. Estender a massa rechear e fechar 
6. Levar ao forno a 200º 45mn

For the ones that found this place

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