
Little Sweets...

for big dreamers!

Life has loose steps sometimes... 

and we keep going with small steps in the right directions...

you don't have to be everywhere
you don't have to know everything
you don't have to sing all the songs
you don't have to know all the moves
you don't have to call all the names
sometimes you just have to stay, to fall asleep and let the world in is spinnings,
and I'm sure somewhere in is turns and spins it'll bring you good feelings!


Little somethings
always call for big dreams

Bolos de pistachio 
A receita:

70g de pistachios
100g de farinha com fermento
100 g de açúcar
2 ovos

4 colheres de sopa de queijo quark
raspas de uma laranja
morangos qb

1. Partir os pistachios grosseiramente
2. Bater as gemas com o queijo a farinha as raspas de laranja e os pistachios
3. Bater as claras com o açúcar (7mn)
4. Envolver tudo e levar ao forno 40n a 180º
(ou cozinhar a vapor durante 1h30mn)

for lasy days  


The 1st 2016 sweet!

endings and beginnings 

Hey new year,

there you are, all dressed up, holding your box full of wishes and hopes!
I still feel a bit numb, and kind of  frozen... and maybe it is just the cold weather
that is freezing my moves and mind, but we know that cold feet won't climb those mountains,
So ok, bring your champagne, new year... I'll wear my dancing shoes,  just for you!
And sorry for taking so long to welcome you!

glup! big journeys!

up and down, 
run run,
and slow

new year, new hopes, new stuff :)
bring your best days new year!

 Bolo de mousse de menta com gengibre
A receita:

200g de bolacha de gengibre (neste caso uma casinha de gengibre!)
2 colheres de sopa de manteiga
250g de chocolate 70%
uma embalagem de chocolate after height 
2 folhas de gelatina
200 ml de natas
1 romã (dá um toque especial!!! garanto!!)

1. Derreter em banho maria os chocolates com as natas e envolver bem juntamente com as folhas de gelatina 
2. Esmagar as bolachas, juntar a manteiga e forrar o fundo de uma forma 
3. Levar ao forno 10 mn a 180º e reservar 
4. Deitar o chocolate na forma e refrigerar (3h minimo)
5.Decorar com pó dourado e romã

we should start this year with this sweet moment