Life has loose steps sometimes...
and we keep going with small steps in the right directions...
you don't have to be everywhere
you don't have to know everything
you don't have to sing all the songs
you don't have to know all the moves
you don't have to call all the names
sometimes you just have to stay, to fall asleep and let the world in is spinnings,
and I'm sure somewhere in is turns and spins it'll bring you good feelings!
Little somethings
always call for big dreams
Bolos de pistachio
A receita:
70g de pistachios
100g de farinha com fermento
100 g de açúcar2 ovos
4 colheres de sopa de queijo quark
raspas de uma laranja
morangos qb
1. Partir os pistachios grosseiramente
2. Bater as gemas com o queijo a farinha as raspas de laranja e os pistachios
3. Bater as claras com o açúcar (7mn)
4. Envolver tudo e levar ao forno 40n a 180º(ou cozinhar a vapor durante 1h30mn)