

...and just play it again!

Look outside your window...
Although it seams that things are always the same... if you look closer, it is always changing!
It changes with the light, it changes with the moon, it changes because of the people crossing...
but mostly it changes because of you.

everything changes...
it just depends on who is looking!

I see green, you see blue...
But when I hear music so do you!

and then... stop and rewind ...
ohh and play it again!

Crumble de maçã
(misturar até ficar em grumos...)
172 copo de açúcar
1 copo de farinha
1 copo de manteiga
1 colher de chá de canela 
2 maçãs cortadas em cubos pequenos

Bolo de canela
1 iogurte natural
2 copos de farinha
1 copo de açúcar
2 colheres de azeite
3 ovos
1 colher de sopa de canela

deitar no fundo da forma untada com manteiga e farinha o crumble
verter a massa do bolo
forno 45' 180º


Time to say yeah!

...Time is a runner!!!

It is true he wears running shoes everyday and runs faster then Forrest Gump!!!
And I have the feeling this project has also made me wear "running shoes" and i'm not a runner!
But  in the way, I got slow motions, I got big smiles, I got sugar in my stomach... 
and an enthusiasm that run faster than me!!!
So I think this one is a "thank you" post... it is a yeah! Because it is so good to have a heart full...
and a happy feeling about what we do and achieve...

Projects grow in our lives and take shape and wings and "running shoes" because of 
the enthusiasm and inspiration of the ones around us...
So thank you all that make my heart beat faster... that make my mind blow with ideas...
that always have a smile to give away, and a beautiful music playing!

One year for projects,
dreams, ideas...
keep that smile little girl!


The time machine (part III)

...the coordinates to a perfect place

There are places and feelings that we'll never forget, or we hope to remember forever.
So I'm saving the coordinates to those places, so that one day my time machine will know how to take me there...
To those long dinners...
To those sweet words...
To that loud laughter...
To the best friends...
To the sweet food...
To big smiles...

|| press 5 for happy ||

-- // press 8 for sweet flavours \\--

> | press 85  for forever |<

Ingredientes gelado de manga
2 mangas maduras

1. Triturar as mangas
2. Máquina de gelados/ ou 2 horas no congelador

Ingredientes para o granizado de melancia
4 fatias de melancia

1. Triturar a melancia
2. Levar ao congelador num recipiente metálico (3h no mínimo)
3. Raspar com um garfo 

Servir com amendoas torradas com mel


The time machine (part II)

...traveling between parallel worlds

Do you know that gap between universes where we have other versions of ourselves...
I think my time machine found on of those gaps, and in this new version of myself,
I'm one of those persons that get crazy eyes when they hear the word figs :)!
There are always things that, for some reason, we don't like, maybe because we don't even remember
they exist, or maybe we just kept a memory that we didn't liked them!
But then one day... we just find that gap... and there they are... figs!
So is good to know that we are always discovering flavours.

There is a version of me...
that is an explorer!

There is a version of me...
that will never stop looking for gaps!

There is a version of me...
that falls in love with
all the small discoveries !

There is a version of me...
that loves figs!

note: I'm not sure if  this  can be called a dessert... but I assure you all  it is for real fig lovers! 
A receita  
Ingredientes para a massa
3 copos de farinha
1 copo de água gelada
40 g de manteiga sem sal
2 colheres de sopa de açúcar
6 figos

1. Juntar a manteiga em pequenos pedaços à farinha e envolver bem
2. Juntar o açúcar e a água e amassar bem
3. Reservar no frigorífico  30 mn antes de estender
4. Estender a massa em pequenos círculos
5. Cortar o figo em 3. Colocar no centro da massa e envolver
6. Pincelar  a massa com uma gema de ovo batida
7. Levar ao forno a 180º 30 mn (até a massa dourar)

Ingredientes para o gelado de queijo de cabra
225 g de queijo de cabra
2 iogurtes naturais
3 colheres de sopa de açúcar

1. Juntar todos os ingredientes e mexer bem
2. Máquina de gelados/ ou 2 horas no congelador
3. Servir com a tarte de figo e um fio de mel