
For summer days...

and the days in between!

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and dive!
Open your eyes, swim faster, don't try to find the safe land...
In the middle of the ocean, our thoughts always sound better,
enjoy that sweet silence... or sing those songs that always swim
along with you in your thoughts!


walk faster,
come along,
talk slower,
sing that song!

long days!
the best days!
bring me summer days!

A receita:
1 limão
doce de ameixa
2 iogurtes gregos
2 colheres de sopa de açúcar
2 ovos
150g de amendoins

1. triturar  os amendoins e forrar uma forma
2. bater os ovos com os açúcar
3. juntar o iogurte e o sumo e raspas de 1 limão
4. deitar na  forma e levar ao forno a 180º, 50mn
5. decorar com o doce de ameixa

For a summer days 


Great days!!!

always bring pockets full of candies!

And their boxes full of surprises!
And their pockets full of dreams!
when we wake up sleepy, and not expecting too much,
and then life takes our feet of the ground
leaving us with that feeling that today is going to be the best day!
sometimes when you are not even expecting it...
someone whispers "the best days are still happening, everyday!" 
and you smile... because you really believe it!

I woke up
with a pocket full of dreams...
Today I want one of those
"yeah!!" days!