
Where all begin...

those days...

This constant and absolute struggle...
between what we want and what we desire... 

what we should do, and we shouldn't do... 
the paths we should follow and shouldn't follow ...
those feelings and emotions, and those dreams and expectations...
this constant rush of
wishes that don't find the way to come true
and this flashs of images that come from the past rushing trough
the things that are actually happening,
and create this crazy misinterpretation of what is really going on around,
and bring us to that place that doesn't exist...
But you know what?
I really like it there!
That place  between what I wish and what I achieve...
this moment where you truly believe it is happening!
What ever you what!
Because your ideas are vibrating
Your dreams are pumping your heart
And that is enough to keep you smiling!

that place where
everything keeps growing

 those paths
with no signs
we continue following
that place...
where truly...
I want to be!  


Strawberry cheesecake...

slows down our days!

There is this sweetness in the slow motion of those moments,
that we want to keep forever in our memories...

I believe that we make time go slower not only to enjoy those moments,
but also to give our brain enough time to paint those memories with bright colours!

So if you take time to look at this slow motions... you will see...
The sweetness of that warm hug...
Or the sweetness of that big smile...
And if you just let yourself go, suddenly you will see, 
that all around us is in slow motion...
So, no hurry, I´m painting these moments!

come slowly

take your time

I'll be hidden
in the sweetness of this slow motions


A receita:
4 claras
10 morangos
200g de queijo creme
2 colheres de açúcar
200g de bolachas de aveia
2 colheres de sopa de manteiga

1. Esmagar as bolachas com a manteiga e forrar a forma
2. Triturar os morangos com o queijo creme 

3. Bater as claras em castelo com o açúcar
4. Levar ao forno 40 mn a 180º

5. Decorar com frutos vermelhos

For the dreamers that have been to awake


Time is just time...

so lets have it with some wine!

Set your clock with mine, and let that time go!
Don't over think it , don't expect to much,
forget the time, and if it is fast or slow.

Set your clock with mine and let it flow.
Don't  interpret my words, just hear my voice...
Words are just words... but a voice can be music:)... 

Set that clock with mine, 
hold my hand...
and take me dancing tonight!

Don't think too much...



A receita:
1 ovo
80g de açúcar
120g de farinha 
70g de cacau em pó
70g de manteiga ...
250g de mascapone
2 colheres de açúcar 
1 chávena de café
1 cálice de ginginha
1. Bater os ovos e a manteiga.
2. Juntar o açúcar e bater mais um pouco.
3. Juntar a farinha e cacau e bater até obter uma massa homogenea
4. Forno 180º -  25 mn

5. Deixar arrefecer e cortar em cubos
6. Regar com a ginginha
7. Bater bem o mascarpone com o açúcar
8. Juntar o café e envolver bem
9. Adicionar ao brownie e decorar com framboesas

For those diving days when all the clocks are set at the same time