
Simple moves...

make slow motion cookies...

I'm closing doors...
Opening windows...
Climbing mountains...
Flying with balloons...
Riding bikes...
Running with rhinos...
Floating in papper boats...

Maybe I shoud try to just walk this time,
and see what happens!

Some things are really simple...
Others are really complicated...
Today dear life... give me simple moves please!
I don't have time to learn your crazy choreography.

And we will find a new way 
to get there!


The silent apple...

...in the caramel bed...

She is sleeping...
She fell asleep late last night...
Leave the light low... let her be in this quiet caramel bed...
With her sweet dreams, with her mind floating...
Please don't turn on the light.... shhh... let her be....
Shhhh.... She is dreaming...

And at the end of the day 

you look in every direction,
and you find out that 
the one you are following...
is the one that makes you smile...

"trim trim

* hello * I'm here! * ok I'm going!
* I'll wait...


She is just 


Warm up your days...

...with sweets and music

Hands are cold...
Days are grey...
But don't let yourself float way...
Silence... and music... and silence again... 
Today there is nothing much to say...

Looking for music
and a quite place to draw...

Close your eyes...
and save this picture

Today is just a quiet day...
just keep the music slow 
and the dreams floating...


Don't wake me up...

...unless there are pancakes!

Because today I just want to fall asleep...
Just dream a lot...
Empty my mind...
Because today it is really great to be here... 
and maybe it would also be nice to be there...
But I wonder... would this feeling and dreams be the same?

Wake me up...
for pancakes!

Wake me up...
for sweets!

Wake me up... or just fall asleep...