
oh happy sumer

...welcome back!

I know you know what everybody knows and are thinking about...
summer days are coming!!!
And I know that you  know what this means... and I believe that you also know what you want for summer!
You want ice-cream...
You want chocolate...
You want cold happy thoughts...
You want to lay down in the shade, with the sound of the waves whispering sweet dreams...
I know that you know that this is just what we want... this is just what we need!!

Simple days

Simple sounds

Simple thoughts

A receita:
100g de bolachas com pepitas de chocolate
um café expresso forte
80g de amendoins torrados
gelado de chocolate
1 banana

1. forrar uma forma com as bolachas embebidas em café
2. colocar os amendoins
3. encher com o gelado
4. colocar as rodelas de banana
5. levar ao congelador (pelo menos 2 horas)
6. servir... decorar com caramelo...bolacha...amendoim...

All you need for summer 

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